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Logistikberatung bei NOSTA

Consulting Projects

Working With you to Realize Your Projects

For our supply chain consulting, we work with you to define the steps that need to be taken. This is the key to successful implementation. From defining precise objectives to holding workshops and developing recommendations for action, we offer you numerous opportunities to identify the conclusions that are important to you from the consulting process.

And when the theoretical concept becomes practical reality, we continue to be at your side as a competent partner and support you in the realization of actual logistics projects. Below on this page, we will show you just how versatile and tailored the results of our consulting services can be.


Good Advice

Four Steps to a Successful Consulting Project

From defining the project framework and analyzing the research field to designing and realizing the new strategy: we are at your side as an experienced logistics partner - regardless of whether you are a start-up, medium-sized or large company.





  • Definition of research field
  • Definition of project objectives
  • Preparation of an individual consulting bid


  • Process mapping and visualization
  • Conducting workshops and interviews
  • Identification of interfaces and dependencies
  • Data collection


  • Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of process and data recordings
  • Development and discussion of optimization potentials
  • Process engineering and new modeling
  • Derivation of a recommendation for action


  • Supported realization of recommended actions
  • Support in project and change managementnt

A Selection of Current Projects

Our consulting services are as diverse as the industries we work with every day. Take a look at our real-world examples on how we develop and implement tailor-made logistics solutions for varying requirements together with our consulting customers.


Analysis of In-house Order Picking Process - Furniture Industry

The inventory variety and the process-related logistics handling in the in-house warehouse prompted our customer to enter into logistics consulting. Together with the customer, we analyzed inventories in detail, evaluated and redesigned processes and developed a wide range of measures to optimize the in-house storage facility.


Logistics Check - Textile Industry

The internal lead times and mixed feedback from the workforce prompted our customer to conduct a check of its logistics processes. All departments involved were interviewed for evaluation, the data collected and finally analyzed in detail. As a result, a set of measures was created with various fields of action, which are now being implemented together with the customer.


Development of a Forward-looking Logistics Strategy

The customer would like to focus on the company's core strengths in the future. Driven by the shortage of personnel and the very fast-moving logistics market, options for outsourcing logistics activities were developed. These concerned both the company's commercial and industrial logistics processing.

What needs to be considered in a concept? Which activities should not be outsourced under any circumstances? What is a realistic timeframe for implementing outsourcing? These and other questions are examined together in a professional and trustful exchange to develop tailor-made answers.

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Choosing a new Warehouse Management System

The customer was aware that the warehouse management system (WMS) they were using was no longer up to date. In cooperation with us, the requirements for a WMS were compiled and documented in a specification catalog. We also coordinated the ensuing selection of service providers and workshops. The implementation coordination of the new WMS could be a further building block in the cooperation with this customer.


Logistics Coaching for Shipping Processing

A reorganization of a company division usually leads to the restructuring and replacing of positions within said division. One of our customers was also confronted with this challenge when it reorganized its shipping processing.

As part of this change, the client commissioned us to prepare the staff for the new situation with tailored coaching sessions. The content of the coaching included freight purchasing as well as preparation for leadership tasks in store floor management and the creation of KPI dashboards to measure the efficiency of the restructured logistics processes.

Project Management during Construction of a Logistics Propert

During the construction of any logistics property, challenges can arise. This is why a client called on us for external project management when investing in a new logistics site.

We not only supported the client in coordinating the various project phases. We also provided our expert input on very specific topics such as the development of quantity structures, the calculation of personnel needs and the layout planning of the new site. The customer was also able to rely on our expertise during the ramp-up phase.
