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Palletten mit Getränken im Warenlager

Food & Beverages


In food transport, dynamic market activity meets strict hygiene standards. Together with you, we maintain an overview.

Functioning and reliable logistics are of central importance for the food industry. In order to meet the high demands placed on the transport of foods at the highest quality, we strictly adhere to the well-established HACCP standard throughout the entire supply chain.

All processes are consistently monitored so that a clean and hygienic handling of the food can be ensured. We also ensure a high standard of storage from incoming goods to outgoing goods. The specific quality and safety requirements of your products are always our focus.

When implementing a storage concept, we focus entirely on your requirements and offer you optimum storage conditions for your goods. At our state-of-the-art warehouse locations, we keep a close eye on the remaining shelf life of the goods, take care of retained samples and specimens, and rely on up-to-date methods of batch tracing.

Our contact persons are at your disposal.

Contact us

Certified? Of course!

In order to guarantee the highest standards in the food sector, the HACCP concept has been implemented and certified at our warehouse locations.

View certificate
Contract Logistics
Contract Logistics

We handle the complete warehouse logistics for you and control your material flows so that throughput times are low, quality is high and your logistics costs are predictable.


Over short distances or to distant places, whether small or large-volume transport - with all modes of transport, ideas, experience and high-performance scheduling software, we offer intelligent, economical and resource-saving solutions.

Warehouse Sites
Warehouse Sites

With currently more than 150,000 square meters of logistics facilities, we create space for a wide range of possibilities - whether as a dedicated single-user site for one customer or as a multi-user site for several customers.

Promotional and Retail Logistics
Promotional and Retail Logistics

With fast and reliable transports, we ensure not only on-time deliveries, but also comprehensive supply to the trading companies.
