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All the national and product companies of our Group are managed under the umbrella of NOSTA Holding GmbH. The strategic steering lies in the hands of our Management Board: Its members include the three managing directors of NOSTA Holding GmbH Nicolas Gallenkamp (CEO, center), Marcus Thoben (COO, left) and Florian Körner (CFO, 2nd from left). Additional members of the Board are Andreas Wolke-Hanenkamp (COO Road, Rail & Contract Logistics, 4th from left), Ivo Aris (COO Global Sea & Air, 5th from left) and Frederik Mons (CDIO, right).
The activities of our German companies are managed by independent managing directors. NOSTA Logistics GmbH is managed by Andreas Wolke-Hanenkamp (CEO NOSTA Logistics GmbH, left), Jan Steinacker (COO Contract Logistics, right), Christian Hammacher (COO Road, 2nd from left) and Sven Hornig (CSO, 4th from left). NOSTA Rail GmbH is under the management of Rüdiger Tepe (3rd from left). Ivo Aris (5th from left) manages NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH. Jan Steinacker (right) is the head of NOSTA Solutions GmbH.
The activities of our international companies are managed by independent management teams. Magdalena Guzowska (2nd from left) is the Managing Director of NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. in Poland. Szilard Sarkozi (left) is Managing Director of NOSTA Logistics S.R.L. in Romania. The Czech national company NOSTA Logistics s.r.o. is managed by Bart Burgmans (3rd from left). Harrold Dost (right) heads our Dutch company NOSTA Logistics B.V..