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NOSTA Holding expands Management Board

Setting the course for expansion

Focus on internationalization: Since the beginning of the year, Andreas Wolke-Hanenkamp as COO Road & Rail and Peter Mundt as COO Sea & Air have joined the Steering Committee. With the appointment of the two experts to the Management Board around CEO Nicolas Gallenkamp, Marcus Thoben (COO) and Florian Körner (CFO), structures are being created to further expand shares in existing markets and open up entirely new target markets. In the future, we will place our service portfolio in the areas of road transport, rail transport, air and sea freight, contract logistics, e-commerce and consulting more strongly in North and Central America as well as in Eastern Europe.

Andreas Wolke-Hanenkamp is known throughout the company as a true NOSTA veteran. He has been with us since 1991 and has held the position of managing director of NOSTA Logistics GmbH for the past 14 years. He is responsible for the business units Warehousing and Logistics Germany and for the overall strategic development of the company. As early as 2021, the qualified forwarding merchant and business economist joined the management board of NOSTA Holding as an authorized signatory.

Peter Mundt can draw on more than 40 years of experience in the logistics industry. A Hamburg native, he had already been a member of the Management Board as an authorized signatory since 2019 prior to his role as COO of Sea & Air. Now 63, he previously led the company as Managing Director, where he drove the strategic direction of NOSTA Group's international sea and air freight activities. In addition, as CEO of the NOSTA Logistics Corp., he was responsible for the American business. Previously, from 1988 to 2005, he served as managing director for the freight forwarder Gebr. Hirdes, which he built into a leading German air and sea freight forwarder for the North American market. He also held various management positions in the international freight forwarding industry.

Although, as our CEO, Nicolas Gallenkamp, says, we will be generating our lion's share in Germany, he sees the greatest growth potential abroad. And with the expansion of the Management Board, the course has been set in the right direction.
