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Frederik Mons joins NOSTA Management Board as CDIO

Overarching Management of Digital Processes and Technological Development of the Company

  • Focus of C-Level position is on company-wide process optimization
  • Restructuring and digital, sustainable transformation drive international expansion
  • Long-standing employee encourages innovative power and efficiency in growth 

Osnabrück, September 10, 2024 – NOSTA Group is creating the position of Chief Digital & Information Officer (CDIO) and fills it with Frederik Mons as a new member of the Management Board. Since August 1, 2024, Mons is responsible for the overarching management of digital processes and the technological development of the company. The aim of the realignment is to align the NOSTA Group even more closely with the needs of its customers. It will also intensify the international integration of all divisions and services and make them more uniform and efficient.

“With Frederik Mons, we are filling the position of CDIO with an experienced employee who has consistently and purposefully built up sound expertise in several future-oriented areas over many years since completing his apprenticeship here,” says Nicolas Gallenkamp, CEO of NOSTA Holding GmbH. “His comprehensive knowledge of the company's processes and his professional expertise also make him an ideal addition to our Management Board, which is responsible for the strategic steering of the company,” says Gallenkamp, citing further arguments for the appointment. With his expertise, he will continue to drive forward the digitalization of the Osnabrück-based full-service logistics provider and carry it into all areas of the company. As CDIO, Mons will primarily ensure integral, automated and leaner processes that can be rolled out in all areas - across departments and countries - and thus form the basis for the company's further international growth.

The acceleration of innovative, technology-supported organization at NOSTA is nothing new for Frederik Mons. The 39-year-old began his career at the company as an apprentice in freight forwarding and logistics services. Since then, he has held various positions, including technical project management as well as in lean, process and quality management. Most recently, he was head of the IT & Quality division, where he was instrumental in preparing for future challenges and realignment.

In his new role, the CDIO is tasked with strategically developing the system environment with the aim of accelerating NOSTA Group's international growth. Among other things, Mons wants to introduce low-code apps with intuitive, simple handling in order to make the company's core and support processes more digital and more lean. The goal of the digital restructuring is to ensure that all departments and employees from all national companies are on the same page. This way, everyone benefits from the reduction in complexity and the standardization of systems.

Another focus is on IT security, which will continue to have a high priority and is becoming more and more complex and relevant in everyday operations. Frederik Mons, new CDIO and member of the Management Board at NOSTA Group, points out: “The logistics industry still has room for improvement in terms of digitalization and security standards. But we are developing rapidly and are well positioned to master these challenges.”

What particularly appeals to Mons in his new role is the company's potential and customer-oriented culture: “NOSTA has a unique culture based on team spirit and a modern management style. Reliable cooperation within and across teams remains a high priority at all times, even as we grow and internationalize. It is the key to our further development as a leading full-service logistics provider.” Mons sees customers as the cornerstone of all digitalization initiatives: “Our goal is to align our processes digitally, sustainably and efficiently with the needs of our customers and thus further improve our services.”

