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Strikes at Canadian Ports Ended

The Canadian government took steps on Tuesday to end the labor disputes in the ports of Montreal and Quebec. The reasons given were economic damage and the risk of driving away trading partners. The country's industrial relations authority was ordered to end the strike and initiate binding arbitration. The situation has not yet been fully clarified, but the government's intervention will bring a solution to the problem.

Due to the partial end to the strike in the ports on Canada's east and west coasts, there are currently enormous delays. In the east coast port of Montreal, the dockers were locked out, meaning that no more ships were being processed there. There were also dockers' strikes on the west coast in British Columbia last week.

We expect the situation at the ports to improve only slowly in terms of congestion. We also believe that this will have an impact on the rate structure to and from Canada. The Great Lakes in the US are also affected by this development.

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