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Eine Hand hält den roten Punkt der NOSTA Group

About us


More than 800 employees at over 40 locations worldwide. For over 45 years, we have been successfully operating in the world of logistics. As an international full-service logistics provider, we offer numerous logistics services and goods forwarding on all modes of transport. Customers from a wide range of industries around the world benefit from our services.

Today's NOSTA Group is the result of over 45 years of history with numerous exciting milestones. And as a family-run company, we stand for our values, which guarantee our customers a high level of reliability, customer proximity and strong service quality.


Over 45 Years of Logistics to the Point

Established in Osnabrück in 1978 with just three employees, NOSTA Group developed into an international full-service logistics provider with over 40 branches worldwide in the years that followed. The founding years, the generational shift and the challenges: In over 45 years in the logistics world, a number of milestones have been achieved.

Learn more about our history

A Success Structure

Established in Osnabrück in 1978 with just three employees, NOSTA Group developed into an international full-service logistics provider with over 40 branches worldwide in the years that followed. The founding years, the generational shift and the challenges: In over 45 years in the logistics world, a number of milestones have been achieved.

Visit Corporate Structure


We Live our Core Values

Everyone has values that are defining. This also applies to NOSTA Group. Our core values not only determine how we approach the daily challenges of the global logistics world. Thanks to our Core Values, our customers also know that they can rely on us and our high service quality.

Learn More About our Core Values

Our Mission Statement

With competence and passion, we deliver products and services from people for people. The demand we make on ourselves is to provide the utmost quality and reliability.. In short: We want to get to the heart of logistics with high-quality services. Learn more about our corporate mission statement and our vision:

Mission, Vision, Values
