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Relocation of our Frankfurt/Kelsterbach Branch

Dear Sir or Madam,

We would like to inform you that our Frankfurt/Kelsterbach branch will be moving on
21 September 2021. As of 21 September 2021, we will expand the business premises of our
NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH in the immediate vicinity of our previous office location. We will continue to be available to you as a reliable full-service logistics provider.

The new NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH Frankfurt/Kelsterbach address is as follows:

NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH
Am Weiher 2
D-65451 Kelsterbach

Phone:     +49 (0) 6107 -50899-00
Mail:     FRA-Pricing@nosta.de

The contact details of your direct representatives such as e-mail addresses and phone numbers will remain unchanged.

We can offer you comprehensive airfreight and ocean freight solutions for your exports and imports  from our new location directly in the  neighborhood of Frankfurt Airport. In addition of
handling international air freight and sea freight shipments, NOSTA as full-service logistics provider  offers you  high-quality logistics solutions for your entire supply chain. This includes comprehensive services in the areas of e.g. customs process, order management and time critical products.

By relocating, you will benefit from the significant expansion of our facility and the bundling of our administrative and operational processes for this site. We herewith can guarantee you the greatest possible flexibility and speed of our services.

If you have any further questions, our contact persons will be happy to help you at any time.

Kind regards

NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH

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