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Fashion Ware in unserem Lager



The world of fashion is characterized by rapid trend changes and high customer demands. With smart warehousing and swift shipping processes, you can stay on top of things!

The fast-paced world of the fashion industry, where trends change dynamically and customers expect speed, quality and unique shopping experiences, is always on the move. This also applies to its logistics. Here, the focus is on clever and seasonal warehouse management and fast shipping processes that provide all-round customer satisfaction.

The task of storing fashion products is anything but simple. Each garment has its own requirements, while at the same time every available square centimeter of storage space must be utilized to the max. At the same time, customers expect individual, first-class packaging for their favorite items. At NOSTA, we take on all these challenges and rely on carefully thought-out concepts as well as a wide range of customized value-added services.

Diagram of logistical process sequence

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Long lasting shoes, carbon-neutral shipping: MERINOS relies on NOSTA

Sustainability has been ever-present in the logistics industry for years. But it's not just our processes that are becoming more sustainable: our customer base is also increasingly reflecting the trend toward sustainability. This includes the company MERINOS, that NOSTA supports in its logistics.

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Returns management

Another key aspect of fashion logistics is returns management - an area where precision is essential. The returns rate here is particularly high compared to many other industries and therefore deserves special attention. For customers in the textile and fashion industry, we take on this demanding task with a sophisticated returns management strategy.

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We develop customized and needs-based warehouse concepts, which fit the precise and fast handling of consumer goods and other commodities.

Value Added Services
Value Added Services

We sort, pack, label, wrap and design according to your wishes.


Online retailing is characterized by constant change and places high demands on logistics as well as connected front-end and back-end systems. With our concentrated know-how, your eBuisness can meet this challenge.

Warehouse Sites
Warehouse Sites

With currently more than 150,000 square meters of logistics facilities, we create space for a wide range of possibilities - whether as a dedicated single-user site for one customer or as a multi-user site for several customers.
