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NOSTA Trucks for Road Transports


On the Road Successfully Worldwide

Reliably and internationally on the move for you! For Transportation on the road, we aim at providing you with exactly the service you and your logistics processes need at the moment.

From classic partial and full load transports to express transports and complex heavy haulage, we cooperate with you to implement the right solution for your requirements. Silo transports or the handling of promotion logistics for the retail trade are also part of our portfolio.

Reliably and internationally also applies to the handling of customs procedures by NOSTA: We are by your side as your experienced partner for this complex topic.

Infoleaflet Road

  • Full-load
  • Less-then shipments
  • Europe-wide
  • Daily departure
  • Fast transit time
  • High planning reliability
  • Tracking & Tracing
  • Handling of customs and insurance
  • National & International
  • Traffic control measures
  • Transport permits
  • Transportation of sensitive cargo
  • Onboard Courier
  • Availability 24/7 365 days a year
  • Vehicle delivery nationwide within 90 minutes
  • Same-day delivery
  • Europe-wide availability
  • National and international silo transports (food/non-food)
  • Just-in-time deliveries
  • Handling of customs and insurance
  • Ensiling (big bag in silo)
  • Sampling
  • Customs clearance
  • Pre-carriage
  • Import handling
  • Duty free intermediate storage
  • Crossdocking
  • Consulting
  • Preparation of import and export documents
  • Coordination with authorities

We are looking forward to hearing from you

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Our Fleet

With 450 vehicles, our fleet is extensive and well prepared to meet many requirements. In addition to 50 in-house trucks, we can also draw on a network of 400 vehicles from national and international partners.

Our tractor units originate from German production and fulfill the latest standards in terms of emission norms. In addition, all vehicles are equipped with modern telematics including GPS vehicle tracking to enable seamless track & trace.

Europe-wide Refrigerated Transports

Our Polish teams offer you a comprehensive service for Europe-wide refrigerated transports in the temperature range from -25°C to +25°C. Our services include the professional organization and handling of national and international FTL overland transports by FRIGO truck. Our equipment consists of high-quality single and double decker FRIGO trucks as well as multi-temp refrigerated trailers equipped with flexible cargo compartments covering various temperature ranges.

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Logistical Innovations lead to Sustainable Transports

For us, investing into the future of logistics means to always be on the lookout for current trends and future-oriented innovations. That is why we decided to upgrade our fleet with well thought out trailers that will save us a lot of fuel. At the same time we venture out into the field of electric mobility and use our expanded knowhow to shape the future of logistics

Further Information


Next to daily departures in import and export, we - the NOSTA Group - offer short-term price quotations, personal support and flexible order processing.

Daily Price
Daily Price

Request current daily prices quickly and easily.

Project Cargo
Project Cargo

Too big, too heavy, too wide, too complex? We offer you complete solutions for intricate transport projects.


From animal feed to fashion and care products all the way to Food - as a contract logistics provider we handle the complete warehouse logistics for you and control your material flows.
