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Warenlager der NOSTA Group


Contract Logistics

Tailor-Made Warehousing Solutions for Your Supply Chain

As a dynamic and customer-oriented company, you need customized logistics concepts that meet your complex needs. As an experienced logistics service provider, we understand your demands and develop extensive solutions for your warehouse logistics to optimize your supply chain.

As omnichannel logistics experts, we also offer flexible fulfillment services that are tailored precisely to your needs. From individual packaging and the coordination of shipping and transportation to reliable customer support, we ensure an all-round logistics service. In this way, we ensure short lead times, high quality standards and transparent, flexibly scalable logistics costs. 

Our warehousing services in detail

From professional incoming goods inspection and efficient storage to fast and reliable outgoing goods logistics, we offer customized solutions for every need.

Incoming Goods

  • Unloading trucks and containers
  • Incoming goods inspection
  • Sorting
  • Labeling
  • Palletizing
  • Recording best before date, batch


  • Individual warehouse layout
  • Selection of suitable storage technology
  • Precise degree of automation
  • Inventory management
  • MHD / batch management
  • Serial number management
  • Inventory

Outgoing Goods

  • Order picking
  • Multi-order picking
  • Pick & Pack
  • Full pallet handling
  • Labeling
  • distribution
  • Shipping by forwarding agent or CEP (parcel / courier)


  • Returns processing according to customer specifications
  • Quality controls
  • Refurbishment
  • Return to available stock
We are Happy to Advise you!

Rely on our many years of experience in contract logistics. Optimize your warehouse processes with our customer-specific solutions.

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Customized Warehouse Logistics for Maximum Efficiency

We develop individual logistics solutions for your supply chain.

Warenlager der Contract Logistics
Wide Range of Storage and Logistics Space

Wide Range of Storage and Logistics Space

Tailor-made storage capacities on over 250,000 square meters. If you need to react flexibly to changing capacity demands, you need a logistics specialist who can offer solutions tailored to your needs. As an experienced partner, we provide you with a wide range of storage options: These include single or multi-user warehouses, high-rack warehouses, block storage areas, shelving racks and small parts storage.

Get to know our branches.
Center-of-Gravity Analysis

Center-of-Gravity Analysis

The right choice of location is crucial for efficient logistics processes. We support you with center-of-gravity analysis to find and implement the optimal location for your warehouse.

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Efficient Logistics Processes

Efficient Logistics Processes

Our industry expertise allows us to analyze and optimize your warehouse processes. We ensure that your warehouse structure is ideally planned and develop tailor-made personnel concepts to make your processes more successful. In addition, we offer customized evaluations, including KPI reports and analyses that help you to efficiently manage and optimize your day-to-day business.

Read case study now
Customized IT Infrastructure

Customized IT Infrastructure

We understand that “one size fits all” is not always the best choice. That is why our teams develop high-performance IT infrastructures that are specifically designed to meet the needs of our customers. We create suitable interfaces in-house between your IT environment and our systems, be it for your ERP system, an OMS, stores and/or other environments.

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Successful Outsourcing Through Teamwork

Successful Outsourcing Through Teamwork

We work closely with you to understand your goals and achieve them together. We provide you with personal contacts at eye level who will support you both during implementation and in operations. Our professional team for project management, operational excellence, IT and lean management, supported by competent account management, works together towards one overall goal: to put your supply chain on a reliable footing with resilient and flexible warehouse logistics.

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Good to Know

We offer more than 250,000 square meters of certified warehouse and logistics space at various strategic transport hubs, flexibly adapted to your needs and industry. Whether you need a high-rack warehouse for different pallet heights or prefer block storage and mezzanine areas - we have the right solution for you, which can be expanded as required. 

Your goods are stored securely and certified by us and handled according to your specifications. Thanks to our own IT resources, we can connect and monitor your IT environment tailored to your needs. This enables us to provide you with smooth and transparent warehouse logistics.

Whether it's fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), food and beverages, fashion or customized warehouse logistics solutions for the paper and packaging industry - as an experienced full-service logistics provider, we have been active in various business areas for many years, including the automotive, chemical and metal industries. We know the logistical challenges and needs of every industry inside out and are there to support you with our expertise.


From goods receipt to delivery, IT-supported processes have become an integral part of modern warehouse logistics: we therefore work with our established warehouse management system (WMS) at all locations. Thanks to our experience and expertise, we can offer you a seamless interface connection to all systems, ensuring smooth data exchange. 


Your Advantages

  • Individual and flexible interface connection via EDI  
  • Paperless, system-guided processes 
  • Identification of articles via barcode / EAN / RFID  
  • Tracking of goods movements in real time 
  • End-to-end traceability of your products 
  • Full transparency through reporting 
  • Use of web tools 
  • Connection to various shipping systems (courier, express, parcel, forwarding) 
Contract Logistics
Contract Logistics

We handle the complete warehouse logistics for you and control your material flows so that throughput times are low, quality is high and your logistics costs are predictable.

Warehouse location Melle
Warehouse location Melle

More than just a warehouse location! Our warehouse in Melle is not only conveniently located close to the A30 highway, but also offers impressive technical versatility.

A Look Behind the Scenes
A Look Behind the Scenes

Trained specialists and secure material flows - see for yourself and take a look inside our Ladbergen logistics center.


Our professional and customer-oriented supply chain consulting in combination with innovative solution approaches and methods from the field of new business, offers you added value for your logistical challenges.
