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NOSTA Tradelog becomes FABA Logistics

The Osnabrück-based NOSTA Group terminated its activities in Luxembourg with effect from 01.04.2022. The Luxembourg subsidiary NOSTA Tradelog S.à r.l. is taken over by the long-standing Tradelog Managing Director Rainer Farsch and other shareholders through a management buyout and is now known as FABA Logistics S.à r.l.

Due to differing ideas regarding the future of the company, a joint decision was made to take this step and negotiations on the MBO began several months ago. The primary objectives of these negotiations were to safeguard jobs in Luxembourg and to ensure the seamless continuation of business operations.

"We have conducted the negotiations on an equal footing over the past few months and have arrived at a solution that is ideal for both sides. With Rainer Farsch, the company will be taken over by an experienced and well-versed manager with whom we will certainly continue to maintain good business relations in the future,” says Nicolas Gallenkamp, Managing Partner of NOSTA Holding GmbH.

The NOSTA Tradelog S.à r.l. was founded in August 2016 and specialized in the field of European road transportation forfood, drink & consumer goods as well as steel and wood logistics.

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