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Two new Branches

NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH is Expanding Further

Ladbergen, 1st of July 2019 - Our NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH is opening two new branches in July 2019: In addition to the central location in Hamburg, our subsidiary specializing in international sea and air freight solutions can now also be found in Dortmund and at the Airport Center FMO.

With the opening of new locations, NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH is continuing its expansion plans in the area of Global Forwarding. Under the motto Global Forwarding, we primarily market and offer our worldwide sea and airfreight activities. These are implemented by NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH together with our international companies in the USA and the Netherlands. After the foundation and development of the NOSTA Logistics Corp. in Chicago and the expansion of the activities and resources of NOSTA Logistics B.V. in Rotterdam during the past year, the expansion of the national network now represents a further important growth step.

As of the 1st of July 2019, the NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH team will move into the office at the Airport Center in the immediate vicinity of Münster/Osnabrück Airport. Due to the proximity to our central administration office in Ladbergen and to our company headquarters in Osnabrück, all logistics services can now be offered in our home region. The customers of the new Dortmund location in the Rhine-Ruhr and Sauerland regions will also benefit from this advantage: At both branches, NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH will offer its customers extensive services in the areas of customs, order management and project cargo services ,in addition to air and sea freight products.

“With focus on direct customer proximity, NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH consciously opposes the current trend of centralization in the logistics sector”, emphasizes Peter Mundt, Managing Director of NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH. “In this way, we can guarantee our customers ideal transit times and supply chains, especially with our groupage shipments from and to the USA.”

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