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NOSTA Logistik bets on Polish market

- logistics of promotional supplies for retail, new branch and employment growth

NOSTA Logistik, a forwarding company specializing in demanding transport and just-in-time deliveries, accelerates its development on the Polish market and presents its key development directions. The company has just celebrated the 8th anniversary of its activity in our country. The company plans to develop transport services for the FMCG and retail sectors, as well as sea and air freight forwarding services.   

8 years in Poland - fast development and specialized transport

NOSTA Logistik belongs to the NOSTA Group. It is a German family-owned company, which has been operating for 44 years, providing complex forwarding and logistics services internationally. Based on a network of more than 40 branches worldwide, it carries out deliveries using all modes of transport, warehousing, and contract logistics. It has been present in Poland since 2014. For 8 years of activity on our market, NOSTA Logistik has grown 10-fold, recording dynamic development year on year. It currently has 3 branches: in Sopot, Wrocław and Słubice, where it also has its warehouse. The company's main activities include organization of road transport (FTL, LTL, combined, refrigerated, loose materials, pallet logistics), mainly to Germany and other Western European countries. NOSTA also provides sea forwarding (LCL, FCL, inland), air and rail freight, as well as warehousing services.

It is worth emphasising that, as one of few forwarding companies, NOSTA also specializes in the organization of FMCG deliveries within promotional and seasonal campaigns for major retail chains. It also carries out frozen food transportation. The company has an IFS certificate in road transport of frozen, chilled and packed goods in controlled temperatures, which guarantees full safety and high quality.

NOSTA's strengths are also dedicated transport solutions for metal and paper industry companies (e.g. producers of photographic and decorative paper and packaging). The company organizes deliveries of bulk, agri-food, mineral, chemical and PVC products, using tipping and lying silos, dump trucks and walkingfloor trailers.

Deliveries are made based on a fleet of subcontractors. NOSTA cooperates with experienced carriers, with specialized vehicles. NOSTA Group's European fleet consists of approximately 450 sets.

Goal - development of delivery logistics for promotional campaigns of retail and FMCG chains

After 8 years of dynamic development on the Polish market, NOSTA Logistik has not slowed down and focuses on even faster expansion. One of its most important goals is to strengthen its position as a provider of transport services and logistics solutions for the retail and FMCG sectors.

  • What distinguishes us on the market is the supply of logistics for promotional campaigns of retail chains in Poland and Europe. Due to specific requirements in the organization of such events, there are still few forwarding companies that organize such transportation, giving us the competitive edge. Now, in response to growing interest from customers, we want to use this asset and develop our offering. We are also going to expand the scope of deliveries of foodstuffs, especially refrigerated and dry goods - announces Magdalena Guzowska, Managing Director at NOSTA Logistik.

New opportunities - another branch and new directions

  • New opportunities for development will also be provided by expanding the offer of sea and air freight forwarding services. Here, we will also use the potential of logistics network and experience of international team of NOSTA Group experts. First of all, we will invest in expanding our branches in Poland and strengthening our teams - says Magdalena Guzowska, NOSTA Logistik Managing Director.

Currently, NOSTA Logistik is preparing to launch a new branch in Warsaw specialising in air transport organisation. In turn, in the Wrocław branch, now responsible for road deliveries, a new department dedicated to sea and air forwarding will be established. The next step is to strengthen and employ new forwarding agents for the sea forwarding department in Sopot. New employees will also strengthen the structures of the commercial department, responsible for servicing and developing cooperation with customers.

As part of the expansion of road transport services, based on the Group's network, NOSTA Logistik also plans to organise deliveries from Poland to Southern European countries. 

About NOSTA Logistik

NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o. o. , headquartered in Sopot, has been part of the Group NOSTA from Germany since 2014. Group NOSTA has been active in the international TSL services market since 1978. Today, NOSTA Group has over 40 branches and employs over 750 specialists. In Poland, through its offices in Sopot, Słubice and Wrocław, NOSTA Logistik provides comprehensive logistics services in road (domestic and international), sea, air and rail transport and forwarding, as well as customs handling and warehousing. In Poland, the company currently employs more than 50 people and holds IFS Logistics, GMP+ and ISO 9001:2015 certificates.

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