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NOSTA is growing: 23 apprentices are starting their careers

Ladbergen, 1 August 2022 - The NOSTA Group today opened its doors to its new junior­ staff for the start of their apprenticeship. At the Beverland Resort in Ost­bevern, the Westphalian logistics service provider welcomed the 23 young talents for an introductory meeting and team building. The targeted training programmes ­include industrial, commercial and technical professions as well as a dual study programme. ­With its new "Future Apprentice" promotion­ strategy, the company is pursuing a future-­oriented approach to train young people not only in their chosen field of activity but also across all sectors. Particular emphasis is placed on knowledge in the areas of project management, programming and multilingualism.­

"In times of great staff shortages in logistics, the promotion of our own­junior employees is particularly important to us. That is why we are very pleased to welcome many new apprentices to our ranks", says Alischa Reitz, trainer at NOSTA Group. This­ year, twelve forwarding and logistics services clerks, six warehouse logistics specialists, one IT specialist for application development­, two IT specialists for system integration and two dual study students of business administration are starting their careers. ­In addition, the logistics service provider also offers apprenticeships in professional driving, warehousing ­and media design for digital and print media.

­With the new "Future Apprentice" training programme, the company is focusing on­versatility in order to train young people not only for their specific profession­but also for other areas of activity, such as project management and programming. "These qualificati­ons are becoming increasingly re­levant in view of the digital transformation in our industry", Reitz emphasises. In addition, the internationally established logistics specialist appreciates multilingualism in the team. Every additional language that colleagues­master is an asset. "Many apprentices speak­ a mother tongue other than German. ­As a result, they have been able to help out with communications in projects where there have been doubts", says Reitz.

Apprentices at NOSTA Group have the option of completing their apprenticeship on a part-time basis or shortening it if they perform well. A secondment to another branch or an internship abroad is also possible. ­In addition to covering the costs of learning materials and travel allowances, junior staff also benefit from employee benefits, such as discounts to shopping and concerts. The youngsters also receive free driver safety training at the start of their apprenticeship.

The new colleagues are starting at various NOSTA locations: in Ladbergen, Osnabrück, Hamburg, Siebenlehn, Kelsterbach, Stadtha­gen, Schwerte and Duisburg. In the first week, in addition to an official welcome by the management team, they can expect to get to know­ each other through numerous team-building exercises as well as company tours and informative briefings about their new employer. ­The company currently employs a total of 60 apprentices and dual students throughout ­Germany.


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