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New train service to Tilburg

This week, our NOSTA Rail GmbH has taken up a new route link to Tilburg in the Netherlands. The connection, which continues to Vlissingen via Tilburg, supplements the existing train service to Antwerp/Vlissingen with one round trip per week.

The block train with a length of 560 m starts every Thursday morning in Osnabrück. Arrival and departure in Tilburg are on Thursday afternoon. On Friday, the container train will reach the terminal in Vlissingen. The block train consists of 23 container carrier wagons.

The connection gives shippers from the Osnabrück region an excellent opportunity to reliably reach seaports and loading points in the Netherlands. In addition to punctuality, the aspect of sustainability is a key factor in favour of choosing combined transport. Thanks to rail freight transport, goods can be transported in an economically and ecologically sensible manner.

We are looking forward to further expanding our route network and thus push forward the development of our rail services in order to provide our customers with sustainable and, above all, seamless transport solutions.

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