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New Location in Amsterdam

NOSTA Expands in the Netherlands

On March 1st 2022, NOSTA Logistics B.V. opened doors of its new office at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (AMS). This new office is fully focused on the airfreight product and is the third office in the Netherlands since NOSTA Logistics BV started business in Rotterdam early 2019.

`With the opening of the AMS office we are strengthening our footprint in the Dutch market place and are emphasizing the importance of and our dedication to our global airfreight product`

Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is considered one of Europe's main gateways for global airfreight. The international airport occupies a prominent position from a logistical point of view, being one of the largest airports in Europe and even topping the global list of airports with the most direct international connections.

The new location will be operated by local industry experts who have profound knowledge of airfreight operations and a thorough understanding of what it means to be part of a global network.

Consequently the new AMS office will team up with the various international branches of the NOSTA Group to maximize the potential of our global network whilst serving our local customer base.

NOSTA Logistics B.V. Amsterdam


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