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Latest Information on Brexit

Dear Sir or Madam

Depending on the voting results in the United Kingdom (UK) Parliament, the UK will leave the European Union on 12 April or 22 May 2019. In the past few weeks and months, we have already informed you about developments and the necessary preparatory measures to take.

The course of voting in the UK Parliament thus far indicates that a disorderly Brexit on 12 April 2019 is to be assumed and it is imperative to press ahead with the appropriate preparations. A disorderly Brexit would entail significant restrictions on goods and passenger transport and necessitate extensive customs procedures.

In respect of this, we call attention to our Brexit Checklist, distributed on 1 March 2019. If the transport of goods with your customers and suppliers is to be maintained, it is essential to prepare appropriately.

As the United Kingdom’s customs infrastructure and employees are insufficiently prepared to deal with the expected developments, the UK Government has implemented the so-called “Simplified import procedure for EU goods”. For vehicles transporting goods to which this transit arrangement applies, no customs clearance will take place at the border. The vehicles can go directly to the consignee. Importers in the United Kingdom have the opportunity to file the customs formalities at a later time.

Importers can register for this procedure via the following link. Comprehensive information about the procedure can also be found on the website.
Registering for this procedure cannot be done by the carrier or exporter. It must be effected by the trading partner in the United Kingdom.

Furthermore, we would like to point out that all assignments submitted to us Contact for transport between the European Union and the United Kingdom and to be delivered after 12 April 2019 must include the following information:

  • Full collection and delivery addresses including date and time
  • Full dispatcher and exporter address details including EORI number
  • Full consignee and importer address details including EORI number
  • Detailed description of goods
  • Complete consignment data (gross weight, net weight, customs tariff code)
  • Terms of delivery as per INCOTERMS
  • Delivery note or packing list
  • Commercial invoice or proforma invoice
  • Import documents including name of import declarant
  • TSP licence for UK trading partner (simplified transit procedure for EU goods, see above)

In addition, please bear in mind that in the event of a disorderly Brexit, capacity shortages and queues at the channel ports or channel tunnel should be anticipated, and it is possible that the usual run times cannot be sustained.


Kind regards

Sven Hornig
-Head of Sales-

Christian Hammacher
-Head of Business Unit Road-


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