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Extreme Weather Conditions

Impairment of the Transport Chains

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

As you have been able to gather from all the relevant media reports over the last few days, the extreme weather situation is increasingly affecting the logistical transport chains.
We would therefore like to proactively inform you that there will be acute delays in the transport process due to, among other things, imposed truck driving bans in North Rhine-Westphalia, terminal closures in the United Kingdom, etc.  

In order to be able to continue to handle your Europe-wide part and full load transports in the best possible way, we are in close contact with our cooperation partners and are endeavouring to keep the consequences for you as low as possible through joint capacity planning.
We will, of course, keep you informed about further developments from the operational units and via your account managers and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Kind regards

Your NOSTA Group

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