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Customer Information:

Effects of the Coronavirus on the pan-European Transport Business

Dear Sir or Madam

As you have been able to read in all the relevant media reports in recent days, the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) is spreading further throughout Germany and Europe. The coronavirus not only poses a health risk to people worldwide, its rapid spread is also increasingly affecting logistical transport chains.

At this point in time, the short and medium term restrictions on transport routes within Europe cannot yet be assessed in definite terms. Up to now, the virus occurs predominantly in the north of Italy. As a result, there are currently temporary delivery restrictions in numerous localities in northern Italy. The transport arrangements in other European countries have not yet been noticeably affected by the outbreak of coronavirus. However, an expansion of the virus area in Europe and the overseas region must be expected at any time.

Our company has already taken a wide range of measures to avoid possible delivery and capacity bottlenecks and to protect our workforce. All employees were thus informed about the rules of conduct recommended by the German government for infection protection. In particular, our drivers and colleagues, who are frequently on the road on business and have a large number of external appointments, have been trained in the latest safety and hygiene regulations.

In addition to extensive awareness work and the provision of hygiene products at all locations, internal codes of conduct have been established. Among other things, these provide for the avoidance of non-urgent business trips. In order to be able to continue to handle your Europe-wide partial and full load transports in the best possible way, we are in close contact with our cooperation partners and try to keep the consequences for you as low as possible by joint capacity planning.

Naturally, we are monitoring the situation in the Corona case intensively and adapting our measures to the situation. If, in the event of a spread of the coronavirus, restrictions are imposed in certain target areas or branch regions, we will inform you in good time about our initiated action plans and keep you updated about further developments. In case of questions or uncertainties, please get in touch with your personal contact partner in our company.

Kind regards

Christian Hammacher 
-Head of Business Unit Road-

Sven Hornig
-Head of Sales-

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