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Toll Adjustment Decided by the Legislator

Dear Sir or Madam,

Following the expansion of toll charges for lorries, the legislator has now decided to significantly increase toll rates with effect from 1 January 2019.

Toll charges will continue to be based on the factors total permitted vehicle weight, emissions class and number of axles. Various partial toll rates have now been determined as part of the road cost report commissioned by the legislator. These are calculated based on infrastructure use, as well as air and noise pollution. Toll charges are increased by around 40 % in particular for heavy duty vehicles with a total permitted weight of more than 18 tonnes, which account for more than 65 % of the entire transport service. Toll charges for heavy lorries with Euro VI emission standard are therefore increased from 13.5 cents per kilometre to 18.7 cents per kilometre.

Your customer service representative is going to contact you shortly, in order to discuss the individual effects that the toll charges adjustment is going to have for you. Of course, our staff members from the sales and key account management departments are available to answer your questions at any times.

Yours sincerely

Sven Hornig
-Head of Sales-

Christian Hammacher
-Head of Business Unit Road-

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