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Possible Consequences of Brexit

Dear Sir or Madam

The UK Government launched its withdrawal from the European Union on 29 March 2017. Great Britain’s exit from the EU will become effective on 29 March 2019.

EU regulations provide for a two-year transitional period after the withdrawal takes effect in which the customs union, free movement of workers and other important EU regulations remain in force. The pre-requisite for this two-year transitional period is broad agreement on how the relations between the European Union and the United Kingdom will be shaped in the future. These negotiations are still ongoing and very difficult due to both sides’ very dissimilar positions. If there is no agreement, the transitional regulation mentioned above will not occur and there is the risk of a so-called hard Brexit. In this case, the movement of persons, goods and finances between the UK and the EU would have to be treated in the same way as with a third country, whereby comprehensive checks on people, customs clearance and registration procedures would have to be carried out.

Should it indeed come to a hard Brexit, significant restrictions in the movement of persons and goods between the European Union and Great Britain are to be expected as of 30.03.2019. Since there is a lack of infrastructure and legal framework to handle this to the extent currently available, supply chain disruptions can be reckoned with. Both EU and UK governments have called on companies to prepare for a hard Brexit. These arrangements can be, for example, the creation of buffer stores or the training of employees in handling customs formalities.

On the following website, accessible via the following link, the European Union provides extensive information broken down by priority:


Of course, as your logistics service provider, we also support you on this matter. We can create possibilities for building up appropriate buffers both in our own real estate and through our network of strong partners on the mainland and in the UK. Furthermore, we have built up appropriate expertise in our customs department as well as in our dispatch department in order to carry out complex customs declarations and customs clearance.

If you have further questions or specific needs, your account manager and our specialist departments will be happy to help.

Yours sincerely

Sven Hornig
-Head of Sales-

Christian Hammacher
-Head of Business Unit Road-

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