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Family-friendly Employer

We Have Been Awarded

Our company pursues a particularly family-friendly personnel policy. The city and the district of Osnabrück have now honoured our policy with the award of the certificate “Family-friendly employer in the Osnabrück region".

A few days ago the family alliances of the city and district awarded the prize at the Catholic Family Education Centre Oesede: Marcus Thoben, Managing Director of NOSTA Holding GmbH, and Julia Butke, HR Business Partner, accepted the certificate from Matthias Selle (Member of the Board LKOS) and Lord Mayor Wolfgang Griesert on behalf of the NOSTA Group. A total of 27 companies and institutions received the coveted seal of quality this year.

In order to be honoured as a family-friendly employer, strict requirements must be met in six different categories. These include flexible part-time offers, financial support, services and childcare. In addition to anchoring the topic of family friendliness in the corporate culture and an intensive survey of the company management, the measures already implemented are also evaluated in the certification process.

We are very pleased about the certification. As an employer, it is particularly important to us that our 750 employees are able to reconcile family and career in the best possible way.

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