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3. Logistics Promotion Day - Osnabrueck Moves

The Individuallogistik (KNI e.V.) competency network invites you to the third “Aktionstag der Logistik“ (Logistics Promotion Day) on Saturday, 26 August 2017. There will be a colourful programme for the whole family from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Halle Gartlage in Osnabrueck. Exciting insights into the world of logistics are guaranteed.

A number of playful attractions such as a miniature truck land, an obstacle course and a truck simulator ensure varied entertainment and invite younger visitors to get involved. A special highlight is a truck test-drive, free of charge. Those who wish to experience truck driving from the perspective of a professional driver can register for the test-drive there and then and take their place at the wheel of a trailer truck or prove their skills in a truck simulator.

Fans of old-timers and historical vehicles will also not be disappointed. For the occasion of the promo-day, impressive US trucks and old-timer trucks will be on display on the premises, which the visitors can admire up close. 

A focal point of the promo day is road safety. As part oft e event, the deutsche Verkehrswacht will demonstrate the dangers zones in the dead angle and informs about correct behaviour in traffic. The especially courageous can test a drive seat-belt simulator and by experiencing the unbelievable centrifugal force of a car accident, how important it is to wear a seatbelt. Apart from the individual activities to do with logistics and road safety, the KNI e.V. presents a variety of information on current developments and trends in the industry at its stand.

Tasty treats have are also available on this day: The Germany-wide famous „StreetFood Circus“ is making a pit-stop at the Halle Gartlage, offering a wide variety of culinary delights.

Entry to the “Aktionstag der Logistik“ is free. There are plenty free parking spaces at the Halle Gartlage, Schlachthofstr. 48 in 49074 Osnabrueck,.

For more information, visit www.k-n-i.de.

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