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NOSTA and Felix Schoeller Group Expand Their Logistics Concept

Ladbergen, 4 May 2020 - As part of the consistent implementation of the growth strategy for the Warehousing business unit, NOSTA Logistics GmbH will open a further location in 49324 Melle from 1 July 2020. The location meets with approx. 27,000 m² of warehouse and logistics space the desired requirements of the group of companies. The range of high-quality warehouse and logistics services can be meaningfully supplemented with this expansion of space. When deciding on this location, particular attention was also paid to the fact that the property has an active railway siding leading into the warehouse.

Thanks to the excellent conditions, the Felix Schoeller Group, a manufacturer of specialty papers, has already been convinced by the first anchor customer for the new site. Because of its proximity to the Felix Schoeller Group's production plant in Osnabrueck and the location's rail link to the rail network via a siding, the NOSTA Group suggested the property to its long-standing business partner as a storage facility. From then on, a future-proof storage and management concept was developed with the aim of significantly reducing the number of truck transports in the paper manufacturer's transport processes and thus significantly relieving inner-city traffic.

The 27,000 m² logistics facility in Melle, which will be completed on schedule in the course of the 3rd quarter of 2008 following modernization and repair work, provides optimal conditions for this objective. The company will commence operations at the end of the third quarter of 2020. The NOSTA Group will set up a storage and transshipment centre for Felix Schoeller Group products on part of the site. The big advantage of the warehouse location is the existing, active siding. “The main plant of our anchor customer about 15 km away can be reached by rail quickly and at the same time in a resource-saving manner. In this way, around 3,200 truck journeys a year can be avoided in the Osnabrueck urban area”, says Andreas Wolke-Hanenkamp, Managing Director of NOSTA Logistics GmbH. Transportation by rail is handled by NOSTA Rail GmbH.

The NOSTA Group has been operating its own activities in the field of combined transport, i. e. the intelligent combination of truck and rail transport, since 2009. One project which the two Osnabrueck-based family companies have already implemented with great success in cooperation is the planning and installation of the CT terminal on the premises of the Winkelhausen barracks at Osnabrueck harbour. Since the inauguration on 1 May 2009, NOSTA has been transporting pulp and finished goods for the Felix Schoeller Group on the Dresden - Osnabrueck route using regular freight trains. The containers are transported by truck to the port of Osnabrueck for loading and from Dresden to the plant in Weissenborn. Within the last five years, 90,000 load units have been shifted from road to rail by serving these and other route connections, and a CO₂ saving of more than 50,000 tons has been achieved.

“We are pleased that we are now following up this successful model with another connection via rail”, says Andreas Wolke-Hanenkamp.


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