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green tree in the summer



Excellent Service Strength

We attach great importance to the quality of our products and services. That is why we are always working to ensure that our services meet high standards. On this page we provide you with our certificates and proof of quality.

Our Certifications at a Glance:


Here you can find all ISO certificates of our national companies. In our branch in Sopot, Poland we also received ISO 9001 certification in 2021

Siegel Zertifizierung Umwelt und Qualität


Our certified quality management ensures that our services fulfil the highest quality standards everywhere and at all times.

Siegel Zertifizierung Umwelt und Qualität


Sustainable action is the maxim of our daily business: our environment management is certified according to DIN ISO 14001.

IFS Logistics

Zertifizierung IFS

IFS Logistics 2.3 – Ibbenbueren

With the IFS Logistics certificate in the latest version we provide evidence of the quality of our services regarding the product quality and safety at our branch Ibbenbueren.

Zertifizierung IFS

IFS Logistics 2.3 – Sopot

With the IFS Logistics certificate in the latest version we provide evidence of the quality of our services regarding the product quality and safety at our branch Sopot.


Zertifizierung AEO


Thanks to the AEO Certificate the NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH can provide benefits in security-related customs controls and simplified international customs regulations.

Zertifizierung AEO


The AEO-F status of our NOSTA Rail GmbH presents the highest level of certification and combines the certificate AEO-C (Customs Simplifications) and AEO-S (Security).

Zertifizierung AEO


Thanks to the AEO Certificate the NOSTA Logistisc GmbH can provide benefits in security-related customs controls and simplified international customs regulations.

Further Certificates

Siegel Zertifikat HACCP


The HACCP concept has been implemented and certified at our warehouse locations in order to guarantee the highest standards in the food sector.


IATA Sea & Air

Thanks to the IATA certification, we can offer international airfreight transports even more cost-effectively and flexibly.

Logo of GMP+ certification

GMP+ Sopot

With the "GMP+" certificate, we demonstrate high safety and quality standards in the logistical handling of feed.


IATA Sopot

By joining the International Air Transport Association as an agent, NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. has become a partner of one of the largest networks of airlines and logistics partners in the world.

Zertifizierung SQAS

SQAS Sopot

When dealing with chemical substances, we place great importance on compliance with the SQAS assessment standards.
