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NOSTA opens new branch in Bielefeld

(Kopie 2)

NOSTA is now expanding its range of services and presence in Germany and Central Europe with a new branch in Bielefeld. The region around this major city in the northwest of Germany is home to the important A2, A30 and A33 highways and is also right in the middle of one of the economically strongest regions in the country.

The new branch will initially focus on the road freight sector and handle part and full loads for customers. In addition, the team will offer comprehensive logistics consulting services. The team will also be focused on optimizing supply chains for potential customers in the region.

The new branch is headed by logistics specialist Thomas Sonntag, who has previously worked for other major logistics companies. "We are glad that after some time of preparation, we can now hit the ground running," explains Sonntag. The branch manager and his team have moved into modern offices in the north of Bielefeld, where they are available for customers.

"At NOSTA, we have built a large network of branches and services in the past years. In the future, companies in the Bielefeld region will benefit from this," says Thomas Sonntag. For the near future, Sonntag and his team are planning to further expand the range of services offered by the branch beyond the road freight sector.
