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30 new craneable trailers

NOSTA purchases semi-trailers for combined transports

Ladbergen, July 13, 2022 - Ladbergen-based NOSTA Group has commissioned 30 new Schmitz Cargobull brand trailers. The three-axle trailers offer space for up to 33 europallets and are craneable. This means they can also be used in combined transportation. Moreover, they are equipped with the RoofSafetyAirBag system, which prevents dangerous ice accidents.

"Sustainability in logistics is to a crucial extent a question of the means of transport. Combined transports provide great advantages here, as transport by rail can save 80 percent CO2 per load tonne," says Christian Hammacher, COO of NOSTA Logistics GmbH. Another advantage of combined transports is the 44-ton rule. According to this, a total weight of 44 tons is permitted for trucks used in forward and onward transport - four tons more than for motor vehicles used exclusively in road transport. In addition to the weight and transport volume advantages, the environment benefits too. Because due to the greater volume of goods trips can be cut down and thus CO2 emissions be reduced. Not least for these reasons, the logistics specialist based in Ladbergen has for years been continuously expanding this type of transport. With the acquisition of the 30 new semi-trailers, 40 percent of NOSTA's fleet is now craneable and can therefore be used in combined transport.

Another relevant factor in NOSTA's decision to use Schmitz Cargobull semi-trailers was the issue of safety. "The RoofSafetyAirBag prevents critical ice sheet formation on the trailer roof," Hammacher explains. For this purpose, the roof tarpaulin is lifted by an air hose installed centrally underneath which can be activated at the push of a button. The resulting curvature of the roof prevents water, snow and ice from sticking to it. At the same time, occupational accidents are avoided because the drivers no longer have to climb onto the trailer for the removal of roof loads.

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