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New Air Freight Branch in Warsaw


NOSTA expands its services in Poland

NOSTA Logistik Sp. Z.o.o. is entering new markets in Poland by opening a location in Warsaw. In addition to the existing range of road and sea freight services, air freight will now also be part of the company's service portfolio. The Warsaw location is strategically important, as the Polish capital is also home to the country's largest air freight terminal.

Accordingly, the Warsaw office specializes in all services related to air freight. From consolidation of shipments to transport of dangerous goods and customs clearance - the Warsaw office covers everything an air freight customer might need. This extensive service is possible thanks to the collaboration with competent local specialists that have lots of experience in the field of logistics.

The new location in Warsaw is also part of the global logistics network that NOSTA now offers after following a consistent expansion strategy in the past years. Specifically exports to the USA will be a central part of the work of the new branch in Warsaw. NOSTA operates a branch near O’Hare International Airport in Chicago and Polish customers will directly profit from this connection.

NOSTA Group has already been present in the Polish market since 2014 and is firmly established in the road and sea transport sector. In addition to the new location in Warsaw, the company already has branches in Sopot, Wrocław and Słubice. As part of their large portfolio, the teams in Poland offer special transport solutions for the metallurgy and paper industries.
