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Latest Information About Brexit

Dear Sir or Madam

The situation regarding Brexit has become more acute in recent days and hours: After the withdrawal agreement negotiated between London and Brussels had initially cleared the first hurdle in the British Parliament with a clear majority of 30 votes, the British House of Commons voted shortly thereafter against a regulated Brexit as of 31 October 2019. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now requesting a further extension of the EU deadline to prevent an unregulated withdrawal by Great Britain. However, the 27 remaining EU member states must first agree to a further postponement.

The prevailing uncertainty about the political situation and further Brexit developments is currently leading to massive capacity bottlenecks for transport to and from Great Britain. We also expect a significant increase in demand over the next few days, as production and warehouse stocks will be replenished shortly. We do not expect the situation to normalise in the coming week, but rather to worsen.

It is particularly critical that export declarations can only be made via Atlas as of 01.11.2019, but these will be required starting 01.11.2019, 0:00 hrs when crossing the border into Great Britain. To avoid the expected unclear situation at the border, possible considerable delays and, above all, the anticipated further tightening of capacity bottlenecks, we would like to recommend that you coordinate with our dispatch department as soon as possible and check whether it is possible to load shipments as early as this week or after the Brexit date.

Of course, we continue to work intensively on mitigating the consequences of the capacity bottlenecks and are in intensive exchange with the European and British border and customs authorities in order to find adequate solutions for the expected import and export problems.

In this context, we would also like to draw your attention urgently to our previous customer information on the subject of Brexit preparation, in particular to the need to register for the TSP procedure. Please find the addressed customer information attached once again.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our staff at any time.


Yours sincerely

Sven Hornig                                                     
– Head of Sales–         

Christian Hammacher
– Head of Business Unit Road –

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