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Customer Information

General Strike in Belgium on 13.02.2019

Dear Sir or Madam

Belgian unions have announced a 24-hour general strike on 13 February 2019. In addition to Belgian airports, the strike also affects the port of Antwerp, public transport and other areas of public service. Nationwide, considerable impairments to public transport and freight traffic must be expected.

We would like to point out that, as a result of the general strike, dispatching difficulties for shipments via Antwerp can also be expected. The strike is expected to lead to a temporary backlog in Antwerp. An easing of the situation could take about two to three weeks from today‘s perspective.

We recommend that you adjust to any delays in the processing of your sea freight orders for the time window mentioned. Of course, we will try where possible to complete your shipment orders on time and to your full satisfaction.

If you have further questions on this issue, please do not hesitate to contact your contact person in our company.

Yours sincerely

Your NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH

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