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Customer Information

Seafreight – Implementation of Emergency-Bunker-Surcharge (EBS)

Dear valued Customer and Partner,

during the last days, almost all global operating Carriers and NVOCC`S informed about the dramatic increase of Bunker prices (Marine Fuel Oil). This reportedly led to an enormous raise of the operating costs for their deployed vessels. Overall, the increase said to be around 37% vs. previous year and around 16% only in 2018. Fuel-Oil-Prices have reached an all-time high since 2014, so the Carriers informed.

Due to the a.m. development, the Carriers announced a temporary Surcharge, named Emergency-Bunker-Surcharge (EBS), Valid as of 01.06.2018 (B/L-Date). This Surcharge will be applicable for all Shipments on all Lanes Import and Export. The Level of this Surcharge is differing, depending on the carrier chosen, but averaging

USD 55,00 per TEU – for FCL Shipments
USD 2,50 w/m – for LCL Shipments

We as NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH do not see any other chance, than to apply this charge as well in order to cover the additional costs raised by the Shipping Lines. Therefore we will charge the effective costs as per outlay on top of the present conditions. At this stage, we´d like to thank you for your understanding.

Of course, we´ll constantly monitor the development of the Surcharge and will adapt changes accordingly. For further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your contact at our offices, we´ll be there for you at any time to take care of your demands.


Kind regards

Your NOSTA Sea & Air Team


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