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Information & Checklist Regarding Brexit

Dear Sir or Madam

As it stands, the United Kingdom will depart the European Union on 30 March 2019. There are currently insufficient agreements in the negotiations between the European Union and the United Kingdom as to how to govern economic relations between the two economic areas. A so-called hard Brexit is to be expected. In this case, extensive customs procedures are necessary for the movement of goods.

On 30 January 2019, the United Kingdom announced its accession to the Common Transit Procedure at the General Secretariat of the European Council. The valid customs tariff as of 30th March 2019 is also now available. You can find this here.

As your logistics service provider, we are of course preparing for these procedures and would like to provide you with all the necessary information. For this purpose we have created a checklist that will allow you to check whether you as an exporter or importer are sufficiently prepared for the case of a hard Brexit.

You are receiving the checklist as an attachment to this customer information. In order to maintain the business relationship with shippers or consignees in the United Kingdom, we urge you to diligently review this checklist. If you have any questions regarding this topic, the contact persons listed in the checklist are always available.

The current freight tenders to the United Kingdom are valid until 22nd March 2019.

Kind regards

Sven Hornig
-Head of Sales-

Christian Hammacher
-Head of Business Unit Road-


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