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Container Terminals in Hamburg

Consequences of Heavily Utilised Overseas Ports and Resulting Shipping Delays

Dear Sir or Madam

Due to the heavily loaded overseas ports, storms on the world's oceans and the resulting massive shipping delays in recent weeks, the situation for the delivery of export containers in the Port of Hamburg has unfortunately become even more difficult.

Due to the delayed departures of the ships, the terminals are currently overcrowded and have little capacity left for new deliveries. To counteract this situation, export containers may only be loaded 48 hours before departure at the CTT and CTA terminals and CTA and 72 hours before departure at the CTB terminal. Unfortunately the shipping companies continue to insist on their prescribed VGM and document closings, which are usually 3-4 days before the ship's departure. Due to these requirements, the presentations cannot be cannot be postponed, as the closings would then be missed and the containers would not be shipped. would not be shipped. In order to be able to continue to guarantee the shipments, the containers now have to be containers must now be stored temporarily so that they can be delivered on time before the ships arrive before the ship arrives.

We will of course keep you informed.

Kind regards

Your NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH


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