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Jubilee in Poland

5 Years of NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o.

Since 2014, our NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. has embodied the quality of the NOSTA Group on the Polish logistics market. This year, our international foreign subsidiary celebrates its 5th anniversary: What began in a manageable office with four employees, has developed over the last few years into a renowned, versatile logistics company with over 30 employees, which sets nationwide standards in terms of reliability, punctuality and quality. 

“Time has passed quickly and a lot has happened”, says Magdalena Guzowska, Manager of the NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o., in retrospect. Due to the steady expansion of the customers base and activities, the business developed rapidly and the team of NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. grew noticeable. Today the company has three branches within Poland and works in five superior teams: Dispatch Northern Poland, Dispatch Southern Poland, Dispatch Frozen Goods, Furniture Logistics as well as Pallet Logistics and Silo Transports.

Particularly in the field of refrigerated transport and furniture logistics, NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. has made a name for itself across borders. “Furniture logistics are considered very demanding”, says Guzowska. This calls for a smart bundling of goods and a well-structured time management for collection and delivery. As Poland, along with China and the Czech Republic, is one of the three most important exporters for the European sales markets and the furniture trade is recording rising growth rates, particularly against the background of e-commerce business, the managing director sees a great potential for the future for this segment.

A weekend entirely dedicated to the anniversary: On 27 and 28 September 2019, the anniversary celebration took place at the main branch of NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. in Sopot, Northern Poland. Already on Friday the colleagues of NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o.o. of all three branch locations as well as our managing directors of the NOSTA Group came together to look back and celebrate the eventful company history. The festive setting was also used to express words of gratitude and appreciation. 

“What is a conductor without his orchestra?” asked Mrs. Guzowska and in this spirit expressed her gratitude above all to her team. She also thanked for the management and colleagues from Germany for their great support, without which the successful development of the company would not have been possible. “My goal is to keep the pace high”, she says with a view to the future. In the years to come, she wants to occupy a place on the Polish market where the NOSTA Group can be recognized and trusted by everyone.

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