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9 years NOSTA in Poland

In 1978, a small transport company was founded in Germany, which quickly gained recognition among customers. Today, NOSTA Group has grown into a globally active full-service logistics provider with over 800 employees and nearly 40 branches. The Polish part, NOSTA Logistik, is celebrating its 9th anniversary this year. NOSTA started operations in Poland on May 15, 2014.

The first department established at NOSTA Logistik was the road freight forwarding department, which from the first days of operation handled mainly shipments to Germany. At the time, there were four employees in the department, dealing with full truck loads and general cargo. The offer proved to be very well adapted to the needs of the market - at a time of growing trade with Germany, interest in this type of services grew year on year, and the company was able to plan development in further areas.

From 2020, NOSTA Logistik provides sea freight forwarding services and 2022 is the beginning of the Warsaw branch, responsible for organizing air freight forwarding.

Today, NOSTA employs nearly 70 people in all branches in Poland.

We are looking forward to the next years and all that is yet to come! Next year is our round anniversary!

