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NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. with positive SQAS score

Our Polish national company NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o. has made yet another step towards higher safety and quality. The team at the branch in Sopot was able attain the renowned SQAS certification. SQAS stands for Safety & Quality Assessment for Sustainability and is a system that allows potential customers an independent assessment of suppliers offering logistics services for chemical products. 

The implementation of SQAS is verified through an audit carried out by independent assessors of the CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council), and results in a very detailed report describing virtually all aspects of the company's operation. “As an objective and independent assessment it shows potential customers the current situation of the company”, explains Magdalena Guzowska, managing director of NOSTA Logistik Sp z o.o..

The positive score for the team in Sopot is good news for customers and NOSTA Group as well: “Chemical goods manufacturers can analyze the content of the report and are then able to make a very good choice. In return, they will work with a logistics partner that ensures security and high service quality”, says Magdalena Guzowka.

Learn more about our certified service quality!
