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Our Core Values

Foundation for Customized Logistics Solutions

Our customers are the focus of our daily work. Together, we develop tailor-made logistics solutions that meet their requirements. But we are more than just our services. As a company, we also stand for values that hold us together as a global team of 800 employees and shape our work.

Our values are not only important to us, but also to our partners and customers worldwide. They form the basis for our consulting on eye level and our continuous development into an internationally operating full-service logistics provider. In an intensive and constructive process, we have therefore defined our existing values as “NOSTA Core Values”.

HELL YES: We're up for it and accelerate!

Our working environment is shaped by authentic interaction and genuine excitement about logistics. This attitude is reflected in the way we work with our customers and guarantees them a high level of service quality.

ALL HANDS ON: We take the initiative and take on responsibility.

We act proactively and responsibly. That's why everyone in our team is involved in successfully completing projects and ensuring customer satisfaction. This sense of initiative and commitment makes us an efficient full-service logistics provider.

TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK: We tackle it and leave no one behind.

Together we are strong. Our team spirit creates a sense of community from which our customers benefit every day. We make them part of our team so that we can achieve our goals together.

FUTURE IS NOW: We think ahead and have an eye on the future.

Innovation and a forward-looking perspective are part of our everyday work. Together, we focus on future demands and challenges in the complex world of logistics. Thanks to innovative solutions and by taking a proactive approach, we secure competitive advantages and prepare ourselves for the logistics of tomorrow.

CHANGE IS ALWAYS: We learn and are developing continuously.

Our response to the constant change in global logistics is constant professional training and openness to change. This allows us to remain flexible and adaptable. In this way, our customers benefit from having an innovative logistics partner at their side.

Would you like to find out more about how we bring our core values to life every day?

Feel free to contact us and get to know us

Discover how the Core Values foster the success of our joint projects

