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NOSTA Ladbergen



The Founding Years


Our company began its continuous rise with orders that were small at first and later became increasingly larger.


Be Open to new Things

This motto was extremely important to Thomas Gallenkamp even at a young age. So, at the age of only 24, he and his wife Andrea took a big step and with the foundation of the NOSTA-Transport GmbH on 15 February 1978, they laid the foundation stone for today's NOSTA Group.


A Telex Abbreviation is Given as the Name

We received our first order by telex: 15 tons of steel were to be loaded by us in Papenburg for the company Normstahl. The first customer gave us our name: to this day we still use the telex abbreviation NOSTA in our company name.


Icon for semployees 0 Employees in 1978 3

The Appointment as a Dispatch Forwarding Agent

With great personal commitment, Thomas Gallenkamp drove the application process forward in 1978. His persistence paid off. After detailed examination, the official appointment document as dispatch forwarding agent was issued by the Weser-Ems district government on 28 February 1979.

In the years that followed, business development progressed steadily. The acquisition of new customers and business showed a clear upward trend. The team also grew steadily.

First Cooperation Agreement

On 16 June 1988 we signed a jointly negotiated cooperation agreement with our major customer, a well-known manufacturer in the paper industry, which still exists today. The subject of the contract was the entire assumption of the dispatch and forwarding process for the factory in Osnabrück.


What Happened Next?

Let us take a look at the second decade of our history!

1989-1998 Expansion

NOSTA Employees 0 Employees in 1988 11
