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Results of the Storms:

Bottlenecks in Container Deliveries in the Port of Hamburg

Dear Sir or Madam

Due to the storms over the last few weekends, a difficult situation has arisen for the delivery of export containers to the port of Hamburg: At the terminals, loading of the vessels was partially stopped. In addition, some vessels departed earlier than planned and left cargo/containers in port. Due to these events, there is currently limit free capacity left in the terminals for the delivery of new containers. To counteract this situation, export containers currently can only be delivered to the CTB and CTA terminals 48 hours before ship arrival. 

Despite this shipping companies continue to insist on their specified VGM and document closings, which are usually scheduled 3-4 days before ship departure. These specifications and requirements do not allow the provision of the containers to be moved, as otherwise the closing would be missed, and the containers would not be shipped. In order to be able to continue to assure the sailing of the shipments, containers must now be stored temporarily until the exact arrival of the vessel has been announced, so containers can be delivered on time max. two days before the vessel arrives. Due to these exceptional circumstances, additional costs will occur, we must charge you with after prior consultation.

At present, only the two terminals mentioned above, CTB and CTA, are affected by this regulation, but other terminals could follow. 

We will of course keep you informed about further developments.

Kind regards

NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH

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