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The NOSTA Group is Growing in The Netherlands

New Office of NOSTA Logistics B.V. Opens in Venlo

Ladbergen, 03.05.2021 – On 1 May 2021, our Rotterdam-based NOSTA Logistics B.V. has opened a second office in Venlo. With this step, our company is expanding its footprint in the Netherlands and extending its service portfolio for customers.

At the Venlo location, our team will specialise primarily in road freight and handle Europe-wide LTL and FTL shipments. In addition, we will provide comprehensive logistics consulting to our customers helping them optimise their supply chains.

In addition to the strategically favourable location on the A67 motorway and the proximity of the Ruhr industrial area, other significant reasons favoured the German-Dutch border city. “Venlo has become a logistical hotspot and an important hub in the Benelux region”, says Harrold Dost, Managing Director of NOSTA Logistics B.V. 

Thanks to the dense infrastructure and connections to the seaports of Rotterdam and Antwerp, as well as the airports of Schiphol, Maastricht Aachen Airport and Brussels-Zaventem, the conditions for international logistics are ideal. Against this background, NOSTA Logistics B.V. also aims to establish sea and air freight activities at the Venlo location in the near future, serving the local market with local people.


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