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NOSTA Sea & Air Opens New Office in Frankfurt

Ladbergen, 7 May 2020 – On 4 May 2020, NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH has opened a new branch office in Frankfurt am Main. By establishing additional offices, the NOSTA Group subsidiary specializing in international sea and ocean freight solutions is strengthening its national presence and responding to the growing demand in the market.

The new office is strategically located in the immediate vicinity of Frankfurt International Airport. From there, NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH can offer its customers attractive export and import opportunities, especially in the air freight sector. In addition to handling international ocean and air freight shipments, the global full-service logistics provider provides logistics solutions for the entire supply chain. These include comprehensive services in the areas of customs, order management and project cargo.

With the most recent opening of the new location, NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH continues its continuous growth of the past years. The company last opened a new branch at Stuttgart Airport in December 2019. Prior to this, the Germany-wide network had been expanded with the establishment of locations in Dortmund and at the Airport Center FMO in July 2019. With the move to the new premises near Frankfurt Airport, the logistics service provider is well prepared for the future. With five locations in Germany, we can now offer our Sea & Air products professionally and with a strong customer proximity to our customers as well as our international partners", says Peter Mundt, Managing Director of NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH.

The logistics service provider's customers also benefit from the intensive cooperation between NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH and the international subsidiaries of the NOSTA Group. Through the cooperation with NOSTA Logistics B. V. , NOSTA Logistics Corporation and NOSTA Logistik Sp. z o. o., the company is well positioned to optimally meet the logistical requirements of international customers in the global forwarding sector.

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