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Global Forwarding

We Strengthen and Expand Our International Presence

In 2019, Osnabrueck-based NOSTA Group will resolutely maintain its international course for growth. With the expansion of the Global Forwarding business unit, the second-generation logistics company is intensifying its global sea and air freight activities, strengthening its global presence.

Mr Peter Mundt, who took over the position as Managing Director of NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH with effect from 01.01.2019, will manage the Global Forwarding business unit after the cooperation with Mr Michael Fahr was terminated due to differing views regarding the company’s future direction.

In addition to NOSTA Sea & Air GmbH, based in Hamburg, the international companies NOSTA Logistiek BV in Rotterdam and NOSTA Logistics Corp. USA in Chicago become key strategic locations in the Global Forwarding business unit. In close coordination with Aaron E. Nash, Managing Director of NOSTA Logistics Corp. USA since 01.08.2018, and Harrold Dost, who was appointed Managing Director of NOSTA Logistiek BV in the Netherlands with effect from 01.12.2018,  further activities for the expansion of sea and air freight handling are being undertaken.

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