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Establishment of NOSTA Soultions GmbH

With the spin-off of NOSTA Solutions GmbH, we are bundling our expertise in the areas of supply chain consulting and new business. In doing this, we are responding to the increased demand for consulting in logistics matters as well as to the company's goals in the areas of diversification, growth and innovation. The COO of the new company is Jan Steinacker.

The demand for consulting on logistics challenges has increased massively in many industries in recent years. Solutions offers itself not only as a sparring partner, but also in the development of forward-looking logistics solutions for customers. Among other things, the new company will design and test IT-driven tools to simplify process recording.

Beyond concrete performance, COO Jan Steinacker wants to convey trust and empathy to both his employees and the company's customers, in addition to professionalism. "This is what a partnership at eye level thrives on," says Steinacker. "The emotional added value that I experience through NOSTA is something I also want to create for Solutions' customers." 

Jan Steinacker is exemplary for the development of NOSTA in recent years: The 32-year-old from Osnabrück already completed his dual business studies with a focus on logistics at the company. After completing his training, he remained with us and took on various significant tasks. Among other things, Steinacker helped set up the first branch in the United States and advised major customers on all logistics issues as a key account manager.
