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Customer Information:

Transport Restrictions due to Coronavirus

Dear Sir or Madam,
As a matter of urgency and following on from our customer information on the coronavirus from last week, we must inform you today about a significant worsening of the situation on the European transport market. Due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), there are currently substantial, far-reaching restrictions in the Europe-wide transport business.

The Eastern European countries in particular are currently tightening their protective measures: Border closures are currently leading to complete disruptions in transport and supply chains. Throughout Europe, additional border controls and time-consuming measures at all loading and unloading points are also becoming increasingly common. For example, drivers are no longer allowed to enter warehouses and are required to take special hygiene and disinfection measures. These regulations result in significant delays of the transports as well as unavoidable extensions of the transit time. As the situation is unfortunately not expected to ease at present, we would like to point out that further border closures and thus additional interruptions and/or delays are to be expected at any time.

In order to maintain the operational and administrative processes in our company even in the event of further government measures to contain the coronavirus, our internal coordination team has taken various precautionary measures. These include the splitting of our teams and the introduction of a far-reaching home office arrangement. This enables our employees to carry out all tasks and work processes from the home office. Our colleagues in the international dispatch teams are also equipped with all the necessary technical tools and can dispatch your orders from the home office without restrictions. In addition, safety and hygiene measures at
our sites were increased. Our coordination team is in constant professional exchange on the subject of preventive health protection and is involved in the preparation of further measures.

By taking the above precautions, we want to protect the health of our employees and their families in the best possible way. At the same time, we want to counteract the rapid spread of the virus in the population and ensure our full capacity to act and function as a company for you.

Your personal contact persons from sales and dispatch will be happy to answer specific questions about the current situation and your transports.

Kind regards
Christian Hammacher                              Sven Hornig
-Head of Business Unit Road-                 -Head of Sales-

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