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Customer Information

Increasing Toll Rates as of 01.01.2019

Dear Sir or Madam

As already announced in our customer information for the month of May, as of 01.01.2019 we expect massively increasing toll rates for German federal highways and motorways. After the toll was extended to all federal highways on 1 July 2018, this is now the second adaptation in a very short time.

In accordance with Directive 1999/62/EG, future costs will not only include infrastructure costs but also air and noise costs. We refer here to data in the infrastructure cost report 2018. So far, however, the Bundestag has not yet made a final decision.

This measure will have a direct impact on the transportation cost calculation, and price adjustments will be inevitable. As soon as the legislator announces the exact amount of the toll rates, we will inform you immediately. Our sales and key account management staff will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

Yours sincerely

Sven Hornig
-Head of Sales-

Christian Hammacher
-Head of Business Unit Road-

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