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New Managing Director

Christian Hammacher is the New Managing Director of NOSTA Cargo GmbH

Christian Hammacher took over the position of Managing Director of NOSTA Cargo GmbH on 1 July 2017. In this position, Mr Hammacher is responsible for our company’s own vehicle fleet. Apart from his position as Forwarding Manager, he will concentrate on the strategic steering of the freight transport and further expansion of business potential.

At the same time, the former Managing Director, took on leadership of the branch in Melle. Mr Rahn is responsible for major customer care and driving the consistent development of the branch.

We are looking forward to being supported by Mr Hammacher and to a successful cooperation. We wish to take this opportunity to thank Mr Rahn for his dedication to the NOSTA Cargo GmbH and wish him continued success and all the very best in his new position.

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