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New Face and New Location

Bernd Dalhoff is the New Managing Director of FEIL GmbH

Bestwig/Bueren, 01 September 2017 - Bernd Dalhoff was appointed Managing Director of FEIL GmbH on 1 September 2017. In this function, the native of Muenster will concentrate on strengthening the existing product portfolio and expanding it with innovative intra-logistics solutions. In the future, he will also intensify cooperation with the NOSTA Group, FEIL GmbH’s parent company. Bernd Dalhoff succeeds Heinrich Jostkleigrewe, who will soon take on a new role outside of the company group.

Dalhoff brings many years of experience in strategic company leadership, project management and business development to the position. Following his studies in Strategy, Technology and Holistic Management, Bernd Dalhoff assumed various leadership positions at Swisslog-Telelift GmbH, where he was responsible for international technical support, quality management, risk management and project management among other tasks. As of 2002 he was responsible for the strategic realignment of the Swisslog Concern in various areas as Business Unit Leader and Managing Director.

Bernd Dalhoff has taken on the leadership tasks of FEIL GmbH since 1 September. The company’s recent move from Bestwig in the Sauerland region to the East Westfalian Bueren offers him and his team promising opportunities. Dahlhoff sees great potential for the new location, not only with respect to hiring specialists but also in the associated expansion of the product areas.

The experienced manager has made the integration of robotics-solutions and driverless transport systems one focal point of his work. Bernd Dalhoff has worked for years on the development of general regulations in safety technology, as a member of the specialist committee for driverless transport systems as part of the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) (German Engineers Association).
