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45 years of logistics to the point - NOSTA celebrates anniversary

February 15 marks the day that NOSTA entered the market 45 years ago. Since our founding in 1978, we have grown from a small Osnabrück-based company into an internationally active full-service logistics provider with over 800 employees. Recently, we set a new course in order to prepare for a successful future.

We have appointed two of our experienced logistics specialists to the Management Board in order to push ahead with our global development of all carrier types. With the help of NOSTA eCommerce GmbH and NOSTA Solutions GmbH, which is currently being established, we will open up and consolidate new markets. Another area of focus is contract logistics, which we have recently reorganized in terms of personnel and will continue to expand.

The anniversary year will also be marked by a real milestone. For the first time, we will be a main exhibitor at transport logistic in Munich. Between May 9 and 12, 2023, this leading global trade fair for the logistics industry will provide the ideal opportunity for an insight into the NOSTA Group and its portfolio.

We don't know exactly what the years ahead will bring, but we are gearing up for a successful future. As a team and as a passionate service provider for logistics.

