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44 Years NOSTA Group

We Celebrate our Anniversary

For 44 years, we at NOSTA have been focusing on quality, competence and, above all, customer centricity. We are sticking to this mission statement and promise on our further path of growth.

By founding the former NOSTA Transport GmbH on 15 February 1978, Andrea and Thomas Gallenkamp laid the foundation for today's NOSTA Group. Now - 44 years later - their son Nicolas Gallenkamp leads the company in the second generation and guides our organisation on the path to international growth.

In more than four decades of our company's history, our organisation has continually develop – in many areas we have grown with and thanks to our customers. Especially from the 1990s onwards, many NOSTA locations were established throughout Germany. Services were extended in the context of our customers cooperations. Our business areas widened. Internationally, too, the NOSTA network expanded from the turn of the millennium. Whether in Poland, the Netherlands or the United States of America – with over 40 locations, the NOSTA Group is now represented worldwide.

On our anniversary today, we would like to thank our customers and business partners who accompany or have accompanied us on our journey for the successful and trusting cooperation!

Special thanks also go to our employees - thanks to their commitment and valuable efforts we have been able to achieve this company development. The freight forwarding company that was founded as a start-up over 40 years ago has become an internationally operating, medium-sized family business that belongs to the top 100 companies in the industry in Germany.

We are looking forward to the next years and all that is yet to come!

Learn more about the history of the NOSTA Group


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